Update: Locking Orders + A Letter From Cecil
5 days ago
– Sun, Mar 09, 2025 at 04:01:13 PM
Hello Adventurers,
Thank you for getting your surveys back so quickly!
We have begun the ordering process with the factory and are locking pledges this Friday.
The tariff situation is changing every week, so we're trying to get orders landed from China as quickly as possible to limit the chaos.
According to the backer survey on our first campaign, quite a few people missed Cecil's letters in their backer updates. When the pins ship, we plan to include a link to all six of Cecil's letters so they are easy to find and read. The letters chronicle his journey up to his meeting with the Phoenix King, which concludes Part 1 of his adventure.
For now, I've included Cecil's third letter below.
Happy reading!

Hello intrepid adventurers!
Thank you for getting your surveys back so quickly!
We have begun the ordering process with the factory and are locking pledges this Friday.
The tariff situation is changing every week, so we're trying to get orders landed from China as quickly as possible to limit the chaos.
According to the backer survey on our first campaign, quite a few people missed Cecil's letters in their backer updates. When the pins ship, we plan to include a link to all six of Cecil's letters so they are easy to find and read. The letters chronicle his journey up to his meeting with the Phoenix King, which concludes Part 1 of his adventure.
For now, I've included Cecil's third letter below.
Happy reading!

Hello intrepid adventurers!
Though time is of the essence for our quest, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to investigate the stories Glitter collected. I learned so much!
The records are organized in a filing system by topics that range from feather care to heroic feats.
It took some doing, but I discovered that the stars remember a time in the past when nightmares tried to invade the phoenix realms. Somehow, the nightmares were defeated and returned to their home.
I had to stop my research to attend to Phoebe before I could discover exactly how.
After she had some time to rest, she recounted being lost in her dream. Each time she tried to wake up the world would shift and blur like ink being washed away by water. She was chased by creatures that seemed to want something, but she couldn’t puzzle out what.
After seeing the effect the nightmares had on Phoebe, it was easy to convince Glitter to support our petition and join us in stopping the nightmare threat. Glitter agreed to help us recruit the other members of the Phoenix court and take our petition to the Phoenix King.

With Phoebe able to travel again, we journeyed to the home of the Ghost Phoenix, Specter, whose spirit beacon we could see from afar.
Specter lived in what seemed to be the remains of a forest. All around the edges of his domain were the leafless skeletons of trees. I was very curious how they came to grow in the Lunar Realm where there is no sunlight and sorely regretted leaving the records behind in the Celestial Library.
However, as we journeyed inward, I discovered the beginnings of an answer. Along the dead branches I saw glowing blue buds forming. These eventually became luminescent canopies of leaves. It was clear that rather than thriving off of light, the trees grew by some magical source of energy. It’s hard to describe how extraordinary it is to travel down a road lit by the glow of magic trees. My sketches hardly do it justice.

As we traveled, the round, wispy bodies of Lunar Ghosts swirled about us like a school of jellyfish, glowing with blue and green light. They don’t speak on their own, but echo the most recent words they hear. Periodically, we would see a Lunar Ghost whose glow was flickering or had gone completely dim. Those voices were often unsettling. “Lost,” “Alone,” “Hungry,” and “Remember” were common words they repeated.

After the incursions of the nightmares into our dreams and the ominous voices of the Lunar Ghosts, I certainly didn’t get much sleep on our journey to Specter’s home. The coffee and rations you provided helped keep me on my feet.
As we journeyed through the forest, the ground sloped gently upward. At last, we arrived at a clearing with a tall hill that loomed above the glowing trees. A cobblestone path led to the top of the hill where an old, spooky mansion hunched like a raven settled on its roost.
The first thing I noticed was the top of the mansion. Resting like a gem set into a ring was a Solarium. Pale blue light shone toward the sky through the glass panels–the source of Specter’s beacon.
As we got closer I could inspect further details: The mansion had tall, peaked roofs over the gabled windows and bird-shaped gargoyles with ferocious open beaks. On the second floor was a round, open window, and inside the window perched Specter.

As we approached the path leading up the hill, Specter gave a hoarse, crow-like caw and flew down to greet us.
It had been some time since Glitter had seen Specter. They had a lot to catch up on. They flew together with Phoebe towards the open window on the second floor.
I trudged forward on foot and was once again routed to a much-disused entry on the first floor. Phoebe met me at the door and helped route me toward the kitchen. She let me know that Specter and Glitter were holed up in Specter’s salon.
Since we would be on our own for a while, we prepared a meal and then retired to some rooms on the second floor.

The decor of the mansion is…unusual. For example, the foyer has a life-sized statue of an ancient phoenix whose eyes seem to follow me as I pass through the room. There are many paintings and statues of birds from hummingbirds to gryphons. Many are so life-like that I expect them to speak the moment I turn my back. Combined with my memories of the ominous voices of the Lunar Ghosts earlier in the day, the effect is unnerving. Still, the room I’m writing to you from is quite comfortable, and I was able to relocate the owl sculpture to the closet.
I have been assured that wards around the house will prevent nightmares from getting in, so I’m looking forward to finally getting some sleep. Phoebe says that Specter is aware of the nightmare incursion into this realm and will have some details to share once he and Glitter are finished discussing royal business. However, once I wake, I also plan to get into the Solarium to find the source of the magical beacon.
Your steadfast emissary,