
Magic and Mischief - Epic Phoenix Enamel Pins

Created by Attic Door Media

Cecil the Wizard has returned with a new collection of Phoenix pins and one mischievous cat. Each magnificent phoenix holds a different piece of elemental magic.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Letter From Cecil: Starting the Journey
about 1 month ago – Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 12:49:44 PM

Cecil has been writing letters for you about his journey into the Epic Phoenix realms. We have transferred them into our realm to share with you. Here is the first one!

Hail and Hello!

It has taken me a little while to find the trick of it, but I’m finally able to send messages into your realm. I have the most excellent news to share!

Thanks to your help I’ve been able to open the Lunar Portal. It required the use of some very precise instruments and a rare Lunar Gem for resonance. These were all provided by your generous support. I am now inside the Lunar Realm and writing to you from our encampment here. 

The Moon Phoenix, Phoebe, is here with me and serving as my trusty guide into this realm. 

I should start by telling you how we met!

In my last letter, I explained that Phoebe found me when I was sleeping on the mountaintop under a full moon. But I didn’t get to explain why! 

Phoebe was looking for evidence of the nightmares invading the phoenix hatchery. The nightmares have been encroaching on all the phoenix realms and disrupting their habitats. Phoebe is hoping to convince the Phoenix King to rally the Phoenix Lords to join forces against the nightmare threat. Proof that the hatchlings were under siege would help her cause – and ours.

I had hoped to appeal to the protective nature of the phoenixes, but having a royal decree would help with recruitment immensely!

Fortunately, I had documented all the nightmare sightings in our realm. So we just needed to travel to see the Phoenix King in the Lunar Realm to begin our quest. 

It was difficult to research the Lunar Realm before my journey. The legends are quite fanciful and often contradictory. Some say it is a world without air to breathe. Others say the entire realm is made of cheese! Thankfully Phoebe was able to dispel those particular myths. 

Still, even after hearing Phoebe recount stories of her home, the landscape is quite unexpected. It is always night in the Lunar Realm. The only light comes from a brilliant aurora that stretches across the sky.

The soil is grey where you can see it and jagged grey mountains loom on the horizon. At the highest peak is the Phoenix King’s castle. Most of the land below is covered by fields of mushrooms in many varieties. The mushrooms are eaten by countless flocks of Lunar sheep.

(I say countless, for when I tried to count them all I quickly found myself asleep under a mushroom! Phoebe warned me that I mustn’t do that unless we’re about to stop for the night.)

The Lunar Realm is home to many Phoenixes: the Ghost Phoenix, the Magma Phoenix, and the Galaxy Phoenix. Phoebe explained that they serve in the Phoenix Court advising the king. She is quite knowledgeable about these things and quite an asset to my journey!

As far as the Phoenix King, he seems to be a mysterious figure not referenced in any of my tomes. I suspect he does not leave his realm often and has possibly never been sighted.

Phoebe suggested we bring my research to each member of the Phoenix Court before approaching the king, so that’s what we are going to do.

The first we hope to encounter is Glitter, the Galaxy Phoenix.  I expect we will get along splendidly, for Glitter’s nest is in the mountains at the top of a giant library! It is there that Glitter and their predecessors recorded the stories of the stars.

I am powerfully curious to see these phoenix records firsthand. Are they recorded in books? Magic scrolls? Or perhaps another method I have yet to imagine. It’s all so thrilling!

I’m almost too excited to sleep but I’ve walked very far today and my bed roll is calling. Your rations and supplies have been a great comfort to me in these strange environs. In big and small ways I find myself endlessly grateful for your support as I carry out this quest.

Your thankful emissary,

Project Update: New Poll & Cecil's Livestream
about 2 months ago – Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 07:44:43 PM

Hello Adventurers!

We've just finished our second livestream with special guest, Cecil the Wizard!

We discussed how the Phoenixes are doing, toured some Pintopia campaigns, and unveiled a new poll to choose the form of the next Nightmare!

If you missed it, you can watch both halves of the stream on Twitch.

You can also see our first stream with Cici and Mary:

Don't forget to vote in the poll to help Cecil with his research! Once the poll is closed, we'll announce another very special nightmare stretch goal

Here are some of the projects Cecil and I toured on our stream:


Forest of Sin

And More:

Thank you for all your support.

Stay super!

Project Update: Unlocks & Livestreams
about 2 months ago – Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 01:10:53 PM

Hello Adventurers,

Thank you all again for your support!

We have unlocked two Additional stretch goals!

1 - Fire Phoenix Recruited! 🔥

All the epic phoenixes have now been recruited and will be available to choose from at the end of the campaign.

2 - Nightmare Cat Contained 📦

We have reached 125 backers! Cecil has contained the first Nightmare Cat. Remember! Every backer at and above the $45 pledge level will receive this nightmare cat for free! 

The second nightmare cat is still at large, but will be captured once we reach 200 backers!

What's Next? Find out live!

We'll livestream tonight at 9 PM EST to talk about what's next for Cecil and the Phoenixes. Come say hi!

Project Update: 4 New Phoenixes Recruited! 🔥🔥
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 09:19:40 PM

Incredible! You are smashing through stretch goals faster than we can announce them. Thank you so much!

Cecil has recruited the following phoenixes to our cause:
  • Ice Phoenix
  • Flower Phoenix
  • Angelic Phoenix
  • Dark Phoenix

That means 4 more updates from Cecil! We’ll release them to you in “chapters” with a separate update for each one so that you can follow along with his adventure. 

The Fire Phoenix is the last left to recruit. 

After that, Cecil will begin researching how to capture and contain the Nightmares.

Once we hit 125 backers the first Nightmare Cat will be unlocked, so be sure to share with your friends. 

Thank you again!

Project Update: Funded in less than 3 Hours!🔥
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 01:16:51 PM

Magic & Mischief is funded in less than 3 hours!! Thank you so much for your support.

Cecil the Wizard is unlocked and he is recruiting the following phoenixes to our cause:
  • Moon Phoenix
  • Epic Ghost Phoenix
  • Epic Ember Phoenix
  • Epic Galaxy Phoenix

Expect a special update soon from Cecil himself!

In the meantime, I wanted to let you know about our campaign partners. Backing each of the following campaigns will help you get FREE pins along with your order.

Flutter and Flora
If you back this campaign, you'll TWO free pins: A butterfly pin and a teal phoenix pin, both designed by Midnight Mica Art. Back it here.

C is for Cthulhu
If you back this campaign, you'll get a super adorable free pin of Baby Cinder and Baby Cthulhu coloring together. Back it here.

Wolf Pack Pups
If you back this campaign, you'll get TWO free pins. Each pin features the Moon Phoenix playing with Snow Paw the Werewolf. Back it here.

Thanks again for all your help!